June 10, 2010


Yours truly is on her well deserved holiday in Hanoi until end of this month. Yay if you know what I've been through... Leaving early tomorrow for a beach trip though, which probably means no Internet whatsoever. Teehee! Will update as soon as I feel like. Until then, stalk me on facebook (as you might have been doing :P) or email me (trust me I'll reply). Oh and I miss mi novio a lot a lot. Will take good care and camwhore and everything with his green cap and support Mexico during World Cup. Lots of hearts. Stay tune for a proper entry. Xoxo. 

Unglam but who cares? Mexican cap and holiday mood ftw! :D


  1. Sh!t, your blogger template has no time stamp on posts! Anyway, have a great trip though!!!!

  2. Yeah, i have to go to dashboard to check everytime. :( anyway, thanks! So far so great!
