April 4, 2010

Not myself tonight.

(first single from Christina Aguilera's new album Bionic)

You know tonight
I am feeling a little out of control
Is this me
You wanna get crazy
Because I don't give a... ♫♪♫
Random: it's a XS-sized top.

The night was strange. It was the first time...
1. We got our ICs checked at Tantric.
2. The place was overcrowded and squeezy.
3. Baby joined us to the rainbow-flagged headquarter.
4. We went out in a group of 6, 3 vs. 3 if you know what I mean. All  men.
5. I met Eli - the cool girl.
6. Someone got really drunk and passed out.
7. Someone woke up with partial memory lost, feeling nauseous and light-headed. STILL. (Why am I talking like Ris Low?!)

'Cause I'm doing things that I normally won't do
The old me's gone I feel brand new
And if you don't like it fuck you ♫♪♫

Anyway it was all crazy and fun. Sometimes, let loose and not be yourself for one night, then be your better self the next day. Daily whining and crying are no good, though I understand the threshold of self-control varies for all of us, depending on individual personality, how we're brought up and what we've been through. Fortunately or unfortunately, everyone likes to be with optimistic and emotionally strong people cuz they radiate positive energy. However, negative feelings accumulate and do not vanish by themselves. That's where the not-myself-tonight motto comes in handy. That's how I live and I like it that way. On the side note, make sure you spend the night out with GOOD companions (like mine, xoxo).

In the morning
When I wake up
I'll be back to the girl I used to be ♫♪♫

Yes. Hellos from the seemingly innocent butactuallycheekyandnaughty me. I've been a good girl today, ok? White tee, shorts, slippers and virtually no make-up, yours truly actually went to FairPrice to buy groceries. Embarrassing to say, but it was my first time going there after almost 4 months staying at this place. Oh well, pretend that you didn't read the previous sentence.

And don't know whether it's weird of me, but I confess that I enjoy chewing ice after finishing a drink. Moment of awkward silence... Alright, whatever. Anyway, I couldn't bring myself to do it in KFC today. So I literally stared at the lovely little ice cubes until they melted with a rising frustration inside. Sniff. Miss the people around whom I can relax, be myself and chew ice.

Alright. That's all for the Easter weekend. Here, chocolate eggies for you. (:
P.S. Don't worry. I'm cool.

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