March 6, 2010


Hello! It's only been two days I haven't blogged but there're lots of things I'm excited to talk about, yet don't know where to start. Shall simply follow the timeline, alright?

How many of you out there have been waiting for 'Alice in Wonderland' for ages and managed to catch it on the first day it was out in Singapore, which happened to be Thursday? Thanks to Steph, I was one of the fortunate, or at least I feel so. Teehee! By the time I was done with the oh-so-necessary Scientific Workshop, it was already 6 plus and the movie was to start at 7. So no choice, had to cab down Great World City - and the extra-excited mood of mine made the supposedly short ride seemed so long. Whenever I take cab alone, beside looking through the window, I have the habit of staring down my lap (is it weird?). So yeah, in the meantime...

My view of the lap

The lap's view of me. Boo!

Surprisingly, I reached there before Steph. It's been such a looong time since the last 'date' we had without having to spare a thought for somebody. By the way, just a question for you guys - if you want your girlfriend to be open-minded in this era, don't you have any problem when she has a gay bestie (hit the 'Comment' button like a man)?

Back to the movie, it was such an awesome visual treat, like you-must-watch-I-cannot-describe! For those of you who don't know, the story in the movie happened 13 years after Alice's first trip to Wonderland whose correct name was Underland. And although the Red Queen was the bad character, her style of being a b*tch was way more adorable compared to the irritatingly elegant White Queen. I like her Red-Hot-Chili-Peppers attitude! And I absolutely LOVE Mad Hatter. How could anyone on Earth be so uniquely cool in every single role like Johnny Depp, be it in acting or lifestyle? You can say his acting seems repeated in different movies, but people won't get enough of his cannot-be-replicated coolness and manliness. Johnny Depp's fans out there, make some noise!

Dinner was at Burger King. When we were queuing, there was this aunty randomly approaching me to give what I thought to be a leaflet. I politely smiled back and continued to talk. Then she tapped my elbow again, making me feel a bit annoyed. However, I soon regretted my attitude after she showed me the don't-know-how-many discount vouchers inside. Like it really saved a lot and she didn't hand anyone else in the queue but me. LOL. And have I mentioned that she actually gave me another one 'for the next visit' after we finished our meal? Too bad the offers will only last until March 24th. So if you plan to be a frequent (or not) customer of Burger King, do let me know - let me spread the beauty of sharing.

And eh, Steph showed me his freshly bought MAC make-up brush, bronzer and brush cleaning solution. All the items are to die for, but the price tags can kill you before that. So unless your balance is confidently secured, don't risk it! Anyway, here comes the 'chio' and photogenic Steph after applying bronzer according to instruction.

Can see the effect, right? But I think he applied a bit too much because when we cam-whored in the PUMP room a while later, I could see his cheeks appeared orange. Cute, LOL! Like it complements the color of my Tequila Sunrise very well. Oh and we were listening to GOOD music on his iPhone and singing like nobody's business. Spontaneous Singapore idol wannabes here.

After a coupla drinks (and songs), we got into deep shit trying to get a cab. It was a Thursday night and there was virtually no cab stopping by the taxi stand when there was even a queue in front of us. We desperately tried booking but after waiting for 30 minutes they just hung up. Oh actually there was one operator answering - unfortunately after giving the details of pick-up location, Steph handed the phone to me without saying anything and I innocently pressed 'End call'. FML moment. So eventually, we decided to walk down and tried our luck flagging a cab on the street. It took a while but we finally - yes, finally - got on a cab with a friendly driver. Phew, literally phew. In conclusion, it must have been due to 'Alice in Wonderland' that the cabs were abnormally high on demand on a typical Thursday night. You can't wait to watch it, right? Teehee.

The rest of the night until morning, I crazily spent playing Sorority Life on Facebook. FML. It was all because of you, Ben, for posting a random invitation on my wall. But never mind, I like the application so much that I'm actually becoming a FB-whore for it. Shit, LOL! Thanks for the gorgeous red Juicy Couture Dress by the way - and don't get me a real one 'cause it'll cost a fortune for sure. Or else, I'll get you a sleepy wallet that does not have the urge to export money.

Around 5.30 in the morning, when I was so freaking sleepy already, Kenneth poof-ed out of nowhere on FB and asked for a coupla Audition games to relax after his work. Random, LOL. But fine, I felt like playing anyway. Several weird yet funny things happened but they are to be discussed in another entry, or else this will become the longest entry ever on this 'lil blog of mine. Oh and OGA spotted me playing with Kenneth in a locked room and asked where Dicky was - 'Today's his birthday', he reminded me. As if he had to. I put a smile on my face as I typed 'We broke up le lol'. Of course, it wasn't a happy smile... But hey, on the bright side, whatever I'd saved up for his birthday celebration was to be for self-pampering purpose - and I did! Fair enough.


Photos taken on Saturday afternoon at the Starhub Urban Freestyle practice. Kudos to Enrique for your hard work and giving me these as presents. I appreciate a lot! (Right click/ Open link in new tab for pimple spotting and full-sized pictures that can be used as your wallpapers *winks*).

I was asked to look emo in this last shot but I didn't really have to act. Some people said it seems like I was about to cry - well, I don't necessarily hide my negative emotions. At least, it indicates that my love was genuine and deep enough not to be erased after days. Furthermore, crying is not a crime, like my friend Pon has shared with me:

I cried enough. It's now time to smile and shine for myself and all of you.


Announcement. Ding ding! Stay tune for updates regarding our school concert which is planned to take place in April. Apart from yours truly and Steph - the pro dancer, there will be many many stars shining for the night - so don't miss the chance! Tickets are inclusive of dinner and lucky draws (and photos with any of us?). The following is a preview of what's gonna happen... Oh wait, no! It's just a moment of some of us freaking out after Friday rehearsal. So pardon our randomness and clumsiness. It's certainly not our full capability *winks*.

In case you can't view the above video, please click here to watch it from YouTube. Thanks and regards from all of us! We hope to see you.

Don't believe the things you tell yourself so late at night and
You are your own worse enemy, you'll never win the fight
Just hold on to me, I'll hold on to you
It's you and me up against the world
It's you and me
I don't need a parachute
Baby, if I've got you

Parachute by Cheryl Cole

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